Attention, property professionals! A recent survey by Butterfield Mortgages has unveiled a fascinating insight into the minds of UK landlords.
It turns out that what they crave most from their mortgage brokers is expertise in tax and regulatory matters. Who knew taxes could be so captivating?
Out of 501 landlords surveyed, a whopping 38% declared ‘tax and regulatory expertise’ as their top priority when choosing a broker. This beats out other qualities like access to bespoke financial solutions (36%) and exclusive products (34%). Clearly, landlords are keen on staying ahead of the curve with the ever-evolving government policies impacting the buy-to-let (BTL) market.
Butterfield Mortgages’ spokesperson highlights the significance of these findings, especially in light of Rachel Reeves’s Budget. The message is clear: brokers and lenders must arm themselves with the latest tax and regulatory knowledge to guide landlords through these turbulent times.
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But it’s not all about the numbers. Landlords also value a personal touch, expecting brokers to offer tailored services that meet their specific needs. This human-centred approach is essential for fostering long-term success in the BTL market.
The survey serves as a wake-up call for lenders, urging them to support brokers and clients alike. By working together, the sector can empower landlords to make informed, confident decisions.
So, property pros, it’s time to brush up on your tax expertise and regulatory know-how. Your landlord clients are counting on you to navigate the complex world of buy-to-let with finesse and flair!
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